Georgios Karamanis |||

TidyTuesday 2025/10

Eight escapes, five years and one dog for this week’s #TidyTuesday

Code on GitHub

“The Adventurous Life of Rifle: Long Beach’s Most Frequent Runaway” - A two-panel visualization of a dog’s escape history. The top panel shows a timeline from 2019 to 2025 with eight points marking Rifle’s escape dates, each labeled with the dog’s age. The bottom panel displays a map of Long Beach divided into facets by year, showing the geographic locations where Rifle was found. Each location is marked with a numbered point and labeled with the street crossing and outcome (typically “return to owner”). The visualization reveals the pattern of a single dog repeatedly escaping and being returned to its owner over a four-year period across different areas of Long Beach, using a soft color palette of cornsilk, tan, and light blue.

Up next TidyTuesday 2025/09
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