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Georgios Karamanis
TidyTuesday 2023/35 September 3, 2023 fair use & US & parliament & TidyTuesday & Data Visualization US fair use cases for this week’s #TidyTuesday Code on GitHub TidyTuesday 2023/34 August 27, 2023 refugees & UNHCR & TidyTuesday & Data Visualization Refugees in Europe for this week’s #TidyTuesday. Alluvial bump chart made with ggsankey with data from UNHCR Refugee Population Statistics Database TidyTuesday 2023/33 August 20, 2023 spam & TidyTuesday & Data Visualization Spam email for this week’s #TidyTuesday Code on GitHub MapPromptMonday 2023/30 August 14, 2023 Earth & MapPromptMonday & Data Visualization & Map Aurora forecast for the week of July 24-30 of #MapPromptMonday, Natural Wonders Code on GitHub TidyTuesday 2023/32 August 13, 2023 TV & TidyTuesday & Data Visualization Sentiment of sauce names in Hot Ones for this week’s #TidyTuesday Code on GitHub MapPromptMonday 2023/29 August 6, 2023 chocolate & Europe & map & MapPromptMonday & Data Visualization & Map Chocolate trade balance for the week of July 17-23 of #MapPromptMonday, Desserts Code on GitHub TidyTuesday 2023/31 August 2, 2023 US & states & distance & cities & TidyTuesday & map & Data Visualization & Map Distance between the capital and the largest city in each state for this week’s #TidyTuesday Code on GitHub MapPromptMonday 2023/27 July 30, 2023 ice & Europe & MapPromptMonday & Data Visualization & Map Areas in today’s Europe covered by ice during LGM for the week of 3-10 July of #MapPromptMonday, Snow or Ice Shapefiles for the ice sheets Code on TidyTuesday 2023/30 July 25, 2023 scurvy & TidyTuesday & heatmap & Data Visualization James Lind’s scurvy trial for this week’s #TidyTuesday Code on GitHub MapPromptMonday 2023/26 July 23, 2023 cherry & map & europe & MapPromptMonday & Data Visualization & Map Distribution of the mahaleb cherry for the week of 26 June-2 July of #MapPromptMonday, Plants Code on GitHub Next page