Georgios Karamanis |||


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Tallest buildings in Sweden February 9, 2022 Sweden & buildings & dataviz & Data Visualization Wanted to try my hand at Figma, so I made this graphic about the tallest buildings in Sweden Idea from a post in r/Sweden TidyTuesday 2021/25 June 27, 2021 R & parks & dataviz & Data Visualization For this week’s #TidyTuesday I used the ComplexUpset package to plot the most common combinations of park amenities from 2018 to 2020, according to All the blend modes of blend_with() June 21, 2021 R & dataviz & Data Visualization Cédric and I had a little chat when he was making his #DuBoisChallenge map (tweet) and wanted a hand-painted effect for the fill color. My Commercial Fishing plot breakdown June 17, 2021 dataviz & tutorial & R & Data Visualization This post is not really a tutorial but more of a visual breakdown of the Commercial Fishing plot I did for last week’s TidyTuesday. The image below TidyTuesday 2021/24 June 16, 2021 R & dataviz & DuBois & TidyTuesday & Data Visualization For this #TidyTuesday I was once again inspired by Gabrielle Merite’s (website, Twitter) work, as seen on the Data Viz Today Podcast. I looked at tidytuesday 2020⁄09 February 29, 2020 TidyTuesday & R & dataviz U.S. Measles Vaccination Data for #TidyTuesday, trying a map of counties with high/low vaccination rates code: