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Georgios Karamanis
TidyTuesday 2023/3 January 22, 2023 art & museum & exhibition & Data Visualization Exhibitions by MoMA and The Whitney for this week’s #TidyTuesday Code on GitHub MapPromptMonday 2023/3 January 21, 2023 map & MapPromptMonday & livestock & colorblind-friendly & Data Visualization & Map Most common livestock in EU for this week’s #MapPromptMonday. Used the colorblind-friendly palette “Egypt” from MetBrewer Code on GitHub TidyTuesday and MapPromptMonday 2023/2 January 14, 2023 TidyTuesday & MapPromptMonday & map & US & bird & hot spot & grackle & Data Visualization Another cross post for #MapPromptMonday (Hot spot map) and #TidyTuesday (Project FeederWatch). First time doing hot spot analysis, used the TidyTuesday and MapPromptMonday 2023/1 January 5, 2023 Europe & map & death & Eurostat & Data Visualization & Map Cross post for #MapPromptMonday and #TidyTuesday. Leading cause of death by European NUTS 2 regions, trying out the eurostat R package for getting TidyTuesday 2022/52 January 1, 2023 Star Trek & R & timeline & Data Visualization Star Trek timelines for this week’s #TidyTuesday. code at GitHub TidyTuesday 2022/51 December 23, 2022 R & US & map & weather & wind & Data Visualization Mean wind speed for this week’s #TidyTuesday. First time using kriging interpolaration, inspired by the plots in the poster at the source of the TidyTuesday 2022/50 December 17, 2022 R & retail & sales & US & Data Visualization Retail sales for this week’s #TidyTuesday, comparing the YOY changes in March 2019-2022. Code on GitHub TidyTuesday 2022/49 December 9, 2022 R & Manhattan & New York & map & elevators & buildings & Data Visualization Number of elevators by building for this week’s #TidyTuesday, combining the elevator dataset with the building footprints spatial file from NYC Open TidyTuesday 2022/48 December 3, 2022 R & TidyTuesday & football & FIFA & Data Visualization Number of FIFA World Cup titles for this week’s #TidyTuesday Code on GitHub TidyTuesday 2022/47 November 27, 2022 R & Great Britain & map & museum & Data Visualization Most common types of museums for this week’s #TidyTuesday Code on GitHub Next page