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Georgios Karamanis
TidyTuesday 2021/49 December 10, 2021 R & spiders & TidyTuesday & Data Visualization Spider taxonomy publications for this week’s #TidyTuesday with data from the World Spider Catalog. Not very easy to read but looks nice code and big TidyTuesday 2021/48 December 1, 2021 R & cricket & Notabilia & Data Visualization Cricket World Cup team wins for this week’s #TidyTuesday. I got a little lazy this week and reused the code I wrote some time ago to recreate Moritz TidyTuesday 2021/47 November 28, 2021 Doctor Who & scarf & IMDB & R & Data Visualization Doctor Who IMDB ratings for this week’s #TidyTuesday, in the style of the 4th Doctor’s scarf code on GitHub 30DayMapChallenge 2021 November 27, 2021 R & 30DayMapChallenge & Greece & map & Map & Data Visualization This post is going to be continuously updated with submissions to the 2021 #30DayMapChallenge. The code for all plots is on GitHub. For day 1, I TidyTuesday 2021/45 November 10, 2021 R & Africa & map & 30DayMapChallenge & population & Data Visualization & Map Cross post for this week’s #TidyTuesday and day 10 of #30daymapchallenge, raster. Population density in Africa with raster data from @afrimapr Code TidyTuesday 2021/44 November 6, 2021 R & plot & Earth & Globe & life expectancy & Data Visualization A map for this week’s #TidyTuesday, showing life expectancy on a globe with data from the spData package code on GitHub TidyTuesday 2021/43 October 30, 2021 trail running & R & plot & TidyTuesday & Data Visualization Trail running for this week’s #TidyTuesday. A lollipop chart showing the difference of median pace between men and women for 85 nationalities. code TidyTuesday 2021/42 October 23, 2021 R & pumpkins & Venn & Data Visualization Giant pumpkins for this week’s #TidyTuesday. I decided to make a Venn diagram after seeing a tweet by Andy Kirk, tried 2-3 packages but in the end I TidyTuesday 2021/41 October 12, 2021 R & Greece & seafood & Data Visualization Seafood production in Greece for this week’s TidyTuesday. The inspiration for the plot was a data visualization from 1906 from this tweet. code and TidyTuesday 2021/40 October 6, 2021 R & nurses & Data Visualization For this week’s #TidyTuesday I used {ggfan} to show the median salaries (and other percentiles) of US registered nurses from 1998 to 2020. [ ](The Next page