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Georgios Karamanis
ggplot crossword puzzle December 13, 2020 crossword & R Crossword puzzle with ggplot2 functions. For the answers, omit the geom_ part and the parentheses () Crossword Puzzle Maker dplyr crossword December 6, 2020 R & crossword Crossword puzzle with dplyr functions. No parentheses needed but underscores are OK! Crossword Puzzle Maker Mobile R setup August 20, 2020 R This is a little post about how I use R when I want to make changes in my code or test things and can’t sit in front of a big screen. I have tidytuesday 2020⁄32 August 8, 2020 R & plot & energy & Data Visualization European energy for this week’s #TidyTuesday code: Family August 8, 2020 chair & light & Uppsala & home & Photography tidytuesday 2020⁄31 July 29, 2020 R & penguins & plot & Data Visualization Palmer penguins for #TidyTuesday, happy to get the penguins almost right with geom_bspline_closed() from {ggforce} 😊 code: How I make the “Making of” videos July 7, 2020 R & making of I came across the idea when I saw Cédric’s gif in his tutorial The Evolution of a ggplot (Ep. 1). I was already saving lots of plots, in order to This could be a painting June 7, 2020 light & chair & banana & table & Uppsala & home & Photography tidytuesday 2020⁄09 February 29, 2020 TidyTuesday & R & dataviz U.S. Measles Vaccination Data for #TidyTuesday, trying a map of counties with high/low vaccination rates code: tidytuesday February 21, 2020 food & footprint & co2 & R & Data Visualization Food carbon footprint for this #TidyTuesday. I saw something and I wanted to replicate it with ggplot, I didn’t stop to think if I should. code: Next page