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Georgios Karamanis
tidytuesday February 21, 2020 food & footprint & co2 & R & Data Visualization Food carbon footprint for this #TidyTuesday. I saw something and I wanted to replicate it with ggplot, I didn’t stop to think if I should. code: tidytuesday February 15, 2020 hotels & plot & R & Data Visualization Hotels for this week’s #TidyTuesday. I had a lot of fun making the plot, many things I like and some that don’t work as well, so I’ll just leave tidytuesday February 2, 2020 trees & San Francisco & plot & R & Data Visualization A quick plot for this week’s #TidyTuesday, looking at the streets with most trees, with the location of #rstudioconf for reference 😊 And another SWDchallenge January 10, 2020 Made a small multiples in R with data from @socialstyrelsen for the latest #SWDchallenge link to the submission and code tidytuesday January 9, 2020 R & Australia & rainfall & plot & Data Visualization Plotting rainfall in Australia for this week’s #TidyTuesday. code: tidytuesday December 27, 2019 R & Christmas & plot & Data Visualization For this #TidyTuesday I made my own (and a little different) dataset from Wikipedia and the updated Billboard dataset by @HipsterVizNinja. The Week 38 September 22, 2019 Stockholm & Uppsala & window & basketball & b&w & park Week 37 September 15, 2019 Uppsala & couch & b&w & geometry & bicycle & Photography Week 36 September 8, 2019 bus & parking & Uppsala & b&w & wheel & lines & shadows & Photography Week 35 September 1, 2019 car & roof & Thessaloniki & Photography Next page